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  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 18:49 on 03 March 2004
    Okay, here's what I've been mulling over.

    It seems that there is still no reply from David regarding the start of a RLG Group, but I say this to those who suggest that the forming of a RLG Group will either intimidate or put off new subscribers (if indeed that is the real reason for this objection).

    RLG is the thing that brings this writing community together, whether you write poetry, short stories, novels or plays. Whether you specialise in fiction, non-fiction, thrillers, romance, experimental, comedy, surreal, fantasy or anything else you care to name or think of - RLG is the thing that, instead of dividing and pigeon-holing writers into groups - it brings them TOGETHER! How on earth can that be a bad thing? How in reason's name can that intimidate anyone or reflect negatively on the "feel" or "content" of this website, David? I'm struggling to understand your reasoning.

    I would ask that consideration be given to Dee's email - requesting the forming of a RLG Group - open to everyone who wishes to join it - with no limit to numbers. To avoid the issue of grievance where RLG is not added to the main forum and therefore considered inferior to other writing exercises, RLG should be considered separate from the Writing Exercises Forum and equal to the Group Section where posts don't show up on the Main Forum but do on the Group Discussion list. There will be no need for a moderator as such as no permission to join will be needed. If you feel that a moderator is necessary, but you have an issue with me being the moderator, then I will happily step down and someone else can be nominated and democratically elected by the present participants of RLG. Let's be adult about this and meet somewhere in the middle and allow room for a little give and take.

    I am posting this here, as I wish for all who care about the outcome of RLG to see this, as it would be a hell of a task to cc: them on an email.


  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 19:12 on 03 March 2004
    Sorry to wake up the worms in their can but I’ve just realised – slow or what – that, by discussing this amongst a tiny group via WWmail, we are doing exactly what I objected to last night.

    I don’t think – given a day to consider this – that I agree with hiving RLG off into a separate group. The whole point, when it started, was for everyone and anyone to join in at any time if they so wished… or not, if they didn’t wish. It should be open. It should be fun.

    By creating a special group we will, inevitably, intimidate nervous newbies who are shy of joining any group. At the same time it could develop into a chore… oh god, it’s that time of the month again – I’ll have to churn out something for RLG or I’ll be chucked out of the group…

    So this is what I think:

    I’d like one of us (Jumbo John has already volunteered) to write an introduction to RLG for the benefit of new members - mainly to stress that we are not a closed sect and we don’t eat people – and to explain how it works. Just before the end of each month, we could resurrect it and invite anyone who may be interested to join in. Then, on the first of the month, whoever is doing the line could post it and then we let the thread sink beneath the waves until the next time.

    Hey, Nahed! Glad you’re still here xxx.

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Jumbo at 19:23 on 03 March 2004

    Yes, I agree with nearly all of that, but ....

    The difficulty seems to be in keeping the thing upfront and visible to the biggest possible audience. So the question for me is, 'What would be more visible? A Group that has the RLG as its core activity, or a forum thread which if this months' events are anything to go by [and they may not be]could be pushed into the background?'

    I've already expressed my concern to David (via email) that an RLG group would be different form all the other groups which, to me, appear to be more widely based - and less specific.

    But I think, at the moment, the Group might be a better solution if - and it is only if - a monthly thread would get buried in amongst the Writing Exercise Forum.

    John x
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 19:26 on 03 March 2004

    That's exactly what we have been doing up until now - but the other objection seems to be to anyone posting anything that has nothing to do with RLG - it's like either talk about RLG in this thread or off you go to your room for daring to go off subject and actually have a laugh. At least in a Group there won't be this 'thing' about having to watch what you write in a post in case it strays from the subject (heaven forbid).
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 19:28 on 03 March 2004
    Good point, John. I'm willing to go along with the majority decision here... hell, if this discussion was going on where I work, we'd be calling an Extraordinary General Meeting...

    Let's see what the others think...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 19:48 on 03 March 2004
    I'm gritting my teeth as I write this but, if we accepted most of the RLG discussion being on Writing Exercises only, we would achieve the same thing. The benefit would be that the RLG intro thread that I described before would be on the general forum - I hope...


    feedback on this post welcome - I don't understand it and I just wrote it...
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by tinyclanger at 20:04 on 03 March 2004
    Hi y'all.
    Have been reading, just couldn't face posting today..

    I'm for an RLG group, I think..this is confusing! Yes, it will be a little different to the others, (I think it should have unlimited members so its not a clique, which is just what we never wanted), but other than that I don't see why it can't work...as long as the opening post each month is highlighted just like other popular Forum topics...

    I also think we need to make a decision here, or we'll
    a) lose impetus.
    b) make it so confusing none of us will understand!
    If it doesn't work, surely we can ask to change it?

    I'm still fed up with this, bleedin' waste of everyone's time. And haven't the other Forum threads been buzzing since we intimidating, excluding lot were removed? (not)..

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 20:07 on 03 March 2004
    Yes, buzzing like a dying fly on the windowsill...
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 20:09 on 03 March 2004

    Your basing it all by taking at face value the excuse that the RLG intimidates new comers because they don't know what RLG is...I don't believe this at all...it does not intimidate new comers - if it did - it wouldn't have grown like it has. What's one of the first things that a new comer does? Look at which Group they can join. RLG isn't going to be like the other Groups where there are only limited spaces but available for everyone - and just because you've participated the first time - doesn't mean you have to participate every time - there's not going to be a list of members. It's a way of compromising - there seems to be an objection to discussions being held within the RLG thread that's showing on the main forum - so then instead of relegating and singling out the thread from all other Writing Exercises and keeping it from the Main Forum - give it its own rightful place as a 'Group'. That way, people who don't want to read the thread or discussion because it intimidates, bores, or doesn't appeal to them - don't have to see it. I would rather this then be hidden under the WriteWords carpet.

    When the Group is clicked on - we can have that intro to welcome and encourage the new-comer or first time participant. RLG (if given the chance to breathe and not suffocated) could be the biggest and best thing that has happened to WriteWords - talked about and later introduced in other Writing Forums. You only have to see the kind of wonderful varied ideas and inspiration people get out of these lines to know that. Excellent work is being written here! If it continues - a writer can make up a whole book of their short stories - thanks to RLG...people have even decided to lengthen their stories and attempt writing novels out of one line - thanks to RLG! Maybe even, we can all put these stories together and publish a WriteWords book with ALL of these great stories - THANKS TO RLG!

    Is there anyone listening, for the love all things literary?!

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 20:16 on 03 March 2004
    Yes. Yes. Yes...

    As I said before, I'll go along with whatever the majority decide. I just feel, personally, that a group - as we have them now - is restrictive.

    If we can create a different one - great!

    I'm just dreadfully pissed off that we are being penalised for being productive...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Sue H at 20:16 on 03 March 2004
    I agree with you on this Dee. At the end of the day it's fine for RLG to be in the writing exercises forum provided that there is something in the general forum that points people, new and old members, to it. If it's kept in the writing exercises bit only and doesn't appear in the general forum then only those "in the know" can access it, thereby making it exclusive, elitist, whatever it's not supposed to be.
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 20:21 on 03 March 2004

    That last line about 'is there anyone listening...' that wasn't directed at you...but at the 'powers' that be at WriteWords.

    This feels just like when I'm praying...and all I get is silence...bloody frustrating, but at least God does eventually answer - even if it is with a No!


  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 20:28 on 03 March 2004
    S'ok, Wordy, I know what you meant...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 20:41 on 03 March 2004

    Did David reply at all to your email? Did he even say, okay, we'll think about it and get back to you? Is there a need for a last resort where we have to email him en masse asking for a reply to a valid request?

    This is so rude...ignoring us like this. True colours are being shown here today I think - and it aint a pretty picture.
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by James Anthony at 20:50 on 03 March 2004
    If we can persuade DAvid, how about an RLG forum...unlike a group that can't be exclusive and if we have that banner down the side like WRITING EXERCISES - RLG with a little information on it at the top that the webmaster can put on the page rather than a thread, which will disappear.

    DOes that make sense?

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