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Technique Forum

Forum for discussion of technical issues related to writing


Sort By:     Author Replies Last Activity Hits
   •  Good dialogue
What do you gutys thinks makes 'good dial...
 helen black  (3133) 8 7/10/2013 2462
   •  can anyone suggest...
some writing exercises I can do to really get...
 Freebird  (37420) 6 2/10/2013 2841
   •  From the point of view of each - or is it points of view?
'From the point of view of each of the f...
 thisisit  (71) 4 15/9/2013 2592
   •  Prolificness, prolificity or prolificitude?
 GaiusCoffey  (7396) 4 4/9/2013 5000
   •  How Do I...?     1   2  
Does anybody know how I can STOP constantly e...
 MariaH  (728) 30 24/7/2013 8946
   •  Enticing locations
First of all, a big hello to everyone reading...
 FunkyPenguin  (22) 12 24/7/2013 2162
   •  I love the Technique forum
I just wanted to say how much I love the tech...
 debac  (5021) 2 24/7/2013 1591
   •  Genre     1   2  
I know that here on WriteWords, I could WW ma...
 Account Closed  (10697) 16 21/7/2013 4433
   •  Cadence.     1   2  
So, in another forum, I've been playing g...
 GaiusCoffey  (7396) 16 21/7/2013 4740
   •  Similes and metaphors and bringing a teen voice alive
I've just been reminded of Deb's thre...
 EmmaD  (28274) 5 19/7/2013 5002
   •  Mr Cleghorn`s email problem
I've been advised to speed up the plot of...
 Punnaburra  (537) 5 4/7/2013 1689
   •  Use of Present Tense
I wrote the first draft of my wip in present ...
 Jennifer1976  (10154) 14 4/7/2013 4007
   •  Which of these is better?
He did something. She looked up from pulling ...
 EmmaD  (28274) 7 4/7/2013 1542
   •  Voice and narrators
I've just written a short story with a 15...
 debac  (5021) 9 21/6/2013 4010
   •  Basic query on POV
Hi This is a basic query, I know. I first ...
 Account Closed  (10697) 14 16/6/2013 2095

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