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Gary Davison Interview

Posted on 11 November 2007. © Copyright 2004-2024 WriteWords
A longer version of this interview is available to WriteWords Full and Community Members.
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WriteWords talks to debut novelist Gary Davison

Tell us something about your background.

My first novel is called Fat Tuesday. Well, first publishable novel. I’ve written 5 others, 3 of which will never leave my office while I’m still alive. Fat Tuesday is about a 19-year-old lad who turns his back on a multi-million pound inheritance and takes off backpacking to Australia. Three months later, he makes Australia’s 10 Most Wanted. I’m currently putting the finishing touches to my second novel, which I think is coming out in the summer.

I’ve been a demolition estimator, quantity surveyor, site engineer, land surveyor and I now run my own construction company. None of which helps my writing!

How did you start writing?

Seven years ago, after the millennium new year, I decided to give up smoking and take up writing. I love reading. Read every day. So I thought why not start writing? I sat down and started writing a story called Missing. 125 000 words later I had my first novel. It was, according to friends and family, a blockbuster. In reality, it was pants. But that was me off and running and I’ve never stopped since. Every day 2-3 hours, not unless I’ve finished a book, when I have a month off.

Who are your favourite writers and why?

I tend to favour books, not so much one particular author. Post Office, Charles Bukowski - hilarious, raw, such pace. Papillion, Henri Charrere – amazing true story of adventure. To Kill a Mocking Bird, Harper Lee – same reason most of the universe love it. The Graduate, Charles Webb - again, so funny, and achieved with just about pure dialogue. Boy Kills Man, Matt Wyman – simple effective prose that captures a great time and place with a quick-fire story. Fear and Loathing, Hunter S Thompson -crazy book, writing like I’d never seen before.

I could go on forever. A lot of my favourite books have been made into films, which I guess says something. Maybe because they’re so visual. I like that in a book. A great style, something different, unique, the way an author captures a moment, whatever it may be, influences and impresses me. Nowadays, it’s not just what an author tells that hits the spot, but how they tell it

How did you get your first agent/ commission?

I sent my MS off to a literary consultancy (writing.co.uk) last year. They suggested a few changes, which I agreed to. They’re also scouts for an independent publisher. They asked to look at my novel, and within a few months, after I gave them four chapters of my next novel, they offered me a three-book deal.

What's the worst thing about writing?

People interrupting you.

And the best?

Sitting writing and editing every day. I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Tell us what kind of responses you get from audiences\ readers.

First one’s out in Feb, so I’ll keep you posted!

What was your breakthrough moment?

When I hit the bestsellers list and stayed at number 1 for 18 weeks, both here and in the US. I wish. It’s when they offered me the book deal.

A longer version of this interview is available to WriteWords Full and Community Members.
Click here to learn more about becoming a member.

Comments by other Members

Dee at 22:29 on 11 November 2007  Report this post
Nice one, Gary. It's good to see a down-to-earth writer succeeding.

Best wishes for the launch, and welcome to WW.


chris2 at 11:01 on 12 November 2007  Report this post
Well done. It's very encouraging to read about this kind of success. I think there's also a lesson for us all here in that you haven't just produced a book that has switched on the publisher - you've also managed to demonstrate that it's not a one-off and that you're serious about producing a steady flow of work. Good luck with the next one!


Nik Perring at 19:23 on 12 November 2007  Report this post
Great interview. All the best with the launch.


Gary Davison at 11:38 on 13 November 2007  Report this post
thanks for all the comments and good luck to you all too.

Lixxy at 16:41 on 22 November 2007  Report this post
It is so encouraging to see someone as down to earth as me actually getting published, makes me think there is hope for the rest of us - well done and good luck!

Gary Davison at 11:40 on 04 December 2007  Report this post
If I can anyone can, Lixxy. Hard work, passion and a rub of the old green is all you need! Best of luck.

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