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Lola Dane

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Member Since: 04 May 2006
Last visited: 07 February 2010
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User Name Lola Dane
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Personal Blog Posts

 I know all there is to know... ...about the waiting game... The thing with writing is that you do a lot of waiting. You wait, in many instances, until the muse strikes and then - if you work full time like me - you wait until you get home until you actually have the opportunity to ...
( from http://diaryofamadmammy.blogspot.com/200...)
 Rules Schmules As some readers of this blog may have realised, in my spare time, when I’m not fighting off grubby handprints from the boy or working towards a nasty deadline in La Office, I’m a writer. Now I say I’m a writer because I write. I have written almost th...
( from http://diaryofamadmammy.blogspot.com/200...)
 The truth about writing The lovely Luisa sent me the following link to a blog about what life is is like once you have a book published... ...
( from http://diaryofamadmammy.blogspot.com/200...)

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