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Member Since: 27 February 2004
Last visited: 26 October 2006
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8 Points 10 Years!
Name david hindes
User Name Arnie
Specialism Fiction
Location South East
Interests Writing, driving interesting cars, my family.
Profile I have been lucky enough to have as friends to ex members of the SAS whom I have had to call on to help with my book, normally at the expense of my liver. My first book took two years, my second a year, thus I assume my third should take six months (Ha!) As as avid reader myself I have realised that I can and indeed have done better than some published authors. (Is that vain?) Well, so what if it is, after all if you don`t believe in yourself who the heck else will?

Latest Work

The First Day by Arnie Word Count: 3185
1  Comment

Ex SAS man Charlie Buddy has his entire family put under a death threat. His only chance of protecting them is to take them all to a remote scottish location until he can find out who it is that wants him and his kin dead. The level of betrayal that he uncovers is staggering. His only real soarce of help is his mother who abandoned him as a child 35 years before. 
27 Feb 2004

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