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Member Since: 29 April 2008
Last visited: 18 May 2008
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Name Sally Palmer
User Name sap1066
Profile Ummm, okay then. I have been writing short stories with a - let us describe it as adult - theme and posting them on the internet. I got a bit bored of that and decided to write a book instead, which I have done. Now I want to know if it`s any good. If nobody likes it I`ll disappear again with no regrets.....

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The Unforgetting by sap1066 Word Count: 4577

Averagely pretty, averagely tall, averagely blonde with the sort of average life led by average twenty somethings all across the country, Kathryn Perkins was not a feisty romantic heroine. But finding out you'd killed Tom Jones and not being able to remember quite why was enough to make anyone special. It started at a funeral. Not many things do, when you think about it. 
29 Apr 2008

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