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Member Since: 09 March 2009
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User Name nickb
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A couple more..... by nickb Word Count: 23

21 May 2010

A love poem by nickb Word Count: 160

First attempt at a love poem, any ways of improving it gratefully received! 
12 Sep 2017

A love poem - revision by nickb Word Count: 159

Thanks for al the really useful feedback. Have tried to listen to it as much as possible. 
15 Sep 2017

A seat by the river by nickb Word Count: 83

17 May 2013

Alternative Christmas Carols by nickb Word Count: 145

Just a bit of fun......a few versions you may not have come across. Happy Christmas 
17 Dec 2014

Crow Meadow by nickb Word Count: 144

Not sure about the ending....may be a bit cheesy 
22 Mar 2011

e-Cargoes by nickb Word Count: 124

I can only apologise profusely to John Masefield...... 
30 Jun 2011

Exit wound by nickb Word Count: 259

Sorry it's been a while....manic year. Not sure if this works or not? 
17 Oct 2016

Face to face by nickb Word Count: 59

15 Feb 2012

Feeling fruity? by nickb Word Count: 12

I can only apaologise..... 
19 May 2009

From the Butt and Oyster by nickb Word Count: 177

It's a lovely little place on the Orwell.....great crab salad. Maybe this could prompt an exercise around the theme of water.....if anyone fancies it? 
14 May 2010

Gorse by nickb Word Count: 12

16 Apr 2009

Leavetaking by nickb Word Count: 113

30 Aug 2011

Light from the kitchen window by nickb Word Count: 166

I was making a cup of tea one rainy night a while back and an image popped into my head. Funny the things that stick. This is very much a first draft so would welcome your thoughts. Hopefully it's not too mawkish 
5 Dec 2013

Lung Cancer by nickb Word Count: 204

One for the world issues series. Not entirely sure about the title but hopefully you'll get the gist of what it is really about. 
14 Aug 2013

Man and boy by nickb Word Count: 151

17 Jan 2019

Melanin by nickb Word Count: 265

Sorry it's been a while. This one was inspired by a radio programme. 
29 Oct 2018

Moonfire by nickb Word Count: 11

First attempt at Haiku!! 
13 Mar 2009

More haiku by nickb Word Count: 34

4 May 2010

My Young Sea by nickb Word Count: 260

Memories of a childhood spent living by the sea 
18 Mar 2009

No title yet by nickb Word Count: 131

Edited version..... 
18 Feb 2014

One small step..... by nickb Word Count: 166

Nothing for six months and then two at once, sorry. Not sure that all of this makes sense but interested to get your views..... 
6 Jun 2013

Pyrford Church by nickb Word Count: 218

A little place in Surrey where my Mum is, and where I was christened 
27 Mar 2021

Quiet Blue by nickb Word Count: 136

15 May 2009

Rain on the hill by nickb Word Count: 98

Sorry, it's a bit gloomy. One of those days I guess. 
24 Mar 2009

Resonant frequency by nickb Word Count: 186

Inspired by an experiment I heard on the radio recently where they recorded a message in a cave, played it back, recorded the play back, time after time until the message had virtually disappeared and all that was left was the resonant frequency of the cave. Weird. 
7 Nov 2014

Rosebuds in the Taff by nickb Word Count: 157

This actually happened....in general. 
16 Jul 2010

Sea shanty by nickb Word Count: 108

24 Sep 2009

Shoes behind glass by nickb Word Count: 125

9 Jan 2016

Shoes behind glass (revision) by nickb Word Count: 126

Had a go at revising parts of this, hopefully it has ironed out a few wrinkles. 
17 Jan 2016

Siren by nickb Word Count: 399

Back to the seaside again sorry. Not sure about the ending. 
1 Feb 2019

The Album by nickb Word Count: 361

20 Jun 2015

The geese fly North by nickb Word Count: 243

Sorry it's been a while. Not sure if it's a bit sentimental or not. 
16 Feb 2018

The geese fly North (revised) by nickb Word Count: 248

I think this is better, although not sure about the title now! 
22 Feb 2018

The Greenhouse Effect by nickb Word Count: 186

Been a while sorry, hopefully back to it now. This is a re-working of an old idea. Not entirely sure if it's finished yet. 
12 Jun 2017

The Penrhos Branch Line by nickb Word Count: 202

I've always like industrial history and the remains of this rail line passed close to our last house. Not sure if the format of this works though..... 
20 Oct 2015

The Penrhos Branch Line by nickb Word Count: 215

Revision 1 - does this make more sense? 
27 Oct 2015

Theia`s child by nickb Word Count: 115

A bit late coming to the table for Oonah's request for moon poems, but here it is anyway. 
29 May 2019

Through your eyes by nickb Word Count: 245

11 Mar 2009

Turn right by the Big jesus by nickb Word Count: 252

20 Aug 2009

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